Cancel Booking/Ticket

How To cancel a reservation? Is there any cost involve?


Last Update 2 years ago

At Bahaza, we understand that travel plans can change and sometimes it becomes necessary to cancel a flight. We are here to assist you with the cancellation process and ensure that it is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Canceling a flight with Bahaza can happen in two cases:

  • After booking and before ticket issue: If you need to cancel a flight before the ticket has been issued, there is no charge from Bahaza. However, please note that the airline may impose an Agency Debit Memo (ADM) for the cancellation.
  • After ticket issue: If you need to cancel a flight after the ticket has been issued, you can choose to either refund or re-issue the ticket. In case of a refund, please note that the airline's and vendor's terms and conditions will apply and any fare difference may be charged. If you choose to re-issue the ticket, the airline's and vendor's terms and conditions will apply and any fare difference and re-issue fee may be charged. Additionally, Bahaza service charge may apply.

To cancel a reservation, you can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your account on the Bahaza website.
  • Locate the reservation you wish to cancel and select the "Cancel" option.
  • Review the cancellation policy of the airline or vendor, and any terms and conditions that may apply.
  • Confirm the cancellation and submit the request.
  • Wait for the confirmation of cancellation from Bahaza customer support team

Please note that some airlines may have different policies on cancellation and refunds, and not all flights or fares may be eligible for a refund or re-issue. It's always best to check the airline's cancellation policy before making a booking and make sure to understand the conditions under which a cancellation can be requested.

To cancel your flight, please visit our cancel page on Bahaza.com and submit a request for cancellation. Our customer support team will assist you with the process and provide you with all the necessary information.

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